What is Faisal Hills’ distance from Islamabad?
As Faisal Hills housing project is located in Taxila Rawalpindi. The distance from Islamabad city center is about 14 minutes drive.
Is Faisal Hills going to feature Commercial areas?
The society has a commercial area that features high-rise projects and a community club.
What are the sizes of plots available in Faisal Hills?
Faisal Hills Islamabad has to offer a variety of plots and the sizes of the plots depend on their location in a block. Following are the plots offered by Faisal Hills Islamabad are 5 Marla, 8 Marla, 10 Marla, 14 Marla, 1 Kanal, and 2 Kanal.
How many blocks are there in Faisal Hills?
Faisal Hills consists of 4 blocks namely Block A Block B Block C Block E (Executive Block) Executive Block is the newest addition in the housing society. Blocks A, B, and C were already developed.
What is the exact location of Faisal Hills?
Faisal Hills is located at a prime location of N-5 National Highway. It is near Taxila and it is near the MPCHS B-17 which is a developed housing project. It has direct access to the G.T. Road and which leads to the Srinagar Highway in Islamabad. It is highly accessible from all the major parts of Islamabad and is easy to access from the airport.
Who are the owners of Faisal Hills?
Faisal Hills is being developed by Zedem International which is owned by Ch. Abdul Majeed. Some notable developments by Zedem International are Faisal Town, Faisal Villas, SEA Square, Faisal Margalla city, Faisal Residencia, and Towers.
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